Kurikulum S1 Sistem Informasi Telkom University
Semester 1
Semester 2
Semester 3
Semester 4
Semester 5
Semester 6
Semester 7
Semester 8
Semester 1
No | Kategori MK | Kode | Nama Mata Kuliah | Nama Mata Kuliah (Inggris) | SKS | Semester |
1 | MKWK | Agama | Religion | 2 | 1 | |
2 | MKWU | UCK1EDB1 | Internalisasi Budaya dan Pembentukan Karakter | Cultural Internalization and Character Formation | 1 | 1 |
3 | MKWP | BBK1AAB4 | Algoritma dan Pemrograman ** | Algorithms and Programming** | 4 | 1 |
4 | MKWP | BBK1BAB3 | Matematika Diskrit | Discrete Mathematics | 3 | 1 |
5 | MKWP | BBK1CAB3 | Matematika untuk Sistem Informasi | Mathematics for Information Systems | 3 | 1 |
6 | MKWP | BBK1DAB3 | Pengantar Sistem Informasi | Introduction to Information System | 3 | 1 |
7 | MKWP | BBK1EAB3 | Sistem Enterprise** | Enterprise System** | 3 | 1 |
Total | 19 |
Semester 2
No | Kategori MK | Kode | Nama Mata Kuliah | Nama Mata Kuliah (Inggris) | SKS |
1 | MKWP | BBK1FAB3 | Design Thinking | Design Thinking | 3 |
2 | MKWP | BBK1GAB3 | Jaringan Komputer** | Computer Network** | 3 |
3 | MKWP | BBK1HAB2 | Kepemimpinan dan Komunikasi Interpersonal | Leadership and Interpersonal Communication | 2 |
4 | MKWP | BBK1IAB3 | Manajemen Rantai Pasok** | Supply Chain Management** | 3 |
5 | MKWP | BBK1JAB3 | Pemrograman Berorientasi Objek** | Object Oriented Programming** | 3 |
6 | MKWP | BBK1KAB2 | Probabilitas dan Statistik | Probability and Statistics | 2 |
7 | MKWP | BBK1LAB3 | Sistem Basis Data** | Database System** | 3 |
Total | 19 |
Semester 3
No | Kategori MK | Kode | Nama Mata Kuliah | Nama Mata Kuliah (Inggris) | SKS |
1 | MKWP | BBK2AAB3 | Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi* | Analysis and Design of Information System* | 3 |
2 | MKWP | BBK2BAB2 | Etika Profesi, Regulasi Teknologi Informasi dan Properti Intelektual | Professional Ethics, ICT Regulations, and Intellectual Property | 2 |
3 | MKWP | BBK2CAB3 | Pemodelan Proses Bisnis* | Business Process Modelling* | 3 |
4 | MKWP | BBK2DAB3 | Pengembangan Aplikasi Website** | Web Application Development** | 3 |
5 | MKWP | BBK2EAB3 | Perancangan Interaksi | Interaction Design | 3 |
6 | MKWP | BBK2FAB3 | Sistem Operasi** | Operating Systems** | 3 |
7 | MKWP | BBK2GAB3 | Statistika Industri | Industrial Statistics | 3 |
Total | 20 |
Semester 4
No | Kategori MK | Kode | Nama Mata Kuliah | Nama Mata Kuliah (Inggris) | SKS |
1 | MKWP | BBK2HAB3 | Integrasi Aplikasi Enterprise | Enterprise Application Integration | 3 |
2 | MKWP | BBK2IAB3 | Keamanan Sistem Informasi** | Information System Security | 3 |
3 | MKWP | BBK2JAB3 | Manajemen Proyek Sistem Informasi | Project Management for Information Systems | 3 |
4 | MKWP | BBK2KAB3 | Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia** | Human Resource Management | 3 |
5 | MKWP | BBK2LAB3 | Penambangan Data* | Data Mining | 3 |
6 | MKWP | BBK2MAB2 | Pengujian dan Implementasi Sistem | Testing and System Implementation | 2 |
7 | MKWP | BBK2NAB3 | Rekayasa Proses Bisnis | Business Process Engineering | 3 |
Total | 20 |
Semester 5
No | Kategori MK | Kode | Nama Mata Kuliah | Nama Mata Kuliah (Inggris) | SKS |
1 | MKWU | UCKXADB2 | Bahasa Inggris | English | 2 |
2 | MKWP | BBK3AAB3 | Arsitektur Enterprise* | Enterprise Architecture* | 3 |
3 | MKWP | BBK3BAB3 | Data Warehouse dan Business Intelligence | Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence | 3 |
4 | MKWP | BBK3CAB3 | Komputasi Awan** | Cloud Computing** | 3 |
5 | MKWP | BBK3DAB3 | Manajemen Data Enterprise | Enterprise Data Management | 3 |
6 | MKWP | BBK3EAB3 | Proyek Perangkat Lunak | Software Project | 3 |
7 | MKWP | BBK3FAB3 | Sistem Informasi Akuntansi** | Information System for Accounting | 3 |
Total | 20 |
Semester 6
No | Kategori MK | Kode | Nama Mata Kuliah | Nama Mata Kuliah (Inggris) | SKS |
1 | MKWK | UBKXCCB2 | Bahasa Indonesia | Indonesian Language | 2 |
2 | MKWP | BBK3GAB3 | Bahasa Inggris II | English II | 3 |
3 | MKWP | BBK3HAB3 | Kecerdasan Artifisial dan Penerapannya | Artificial Intelligence and Its Application | 3 |
4 | MKWP | BZK4BAB2 | Kerja Praktek dan Pengabdian Masyarakat | Internship and Community Service | 2 |
5 | MKWP | BBK3IAB3 | Tata Kelola dan Manajemen Teknologi Informasi | Information Technology Governance and Management | 3 |
6 | MKPP | MK Pilihan Prodi I / MK MBKM / MK WRAP | Elective I | 3 | |
7 | MKPP | MK Pilihan Prodi II / MK MBKM / MK WRAP | Elective II | 3 |
Semester 7
N0 | Kategori MK | Kode | Nama Mata Kuliah | Nama Mata Kuliah (Inggris) | SKS |
1 | MKWU | UCKXBDB2 | Kewirausahaan | Enterpreneurship | 2 |
2 | MKWP | BZK4AAC4 | Capstone Design and Project | Capstone Design and Project | 4 |
3 | MKWP | BBK4AAB2 | Metode Penelitian dan Penyusunan Karya Ilmiah | Research Method and Scientific Writing | 2 |
4 | MKPP | MK Pilihan Prodi III / MK MBKM / MK WRAP | Elective III | 3 | |
5 | MKPP | MK Pilihan Prodi IV / MK MBKM / MK WRAP | Elective IV | 3 | |
6 | MKPP | MK Pilihan Prodi V / MK MBKM / MK WRAP | Elective V | 3 | |
Total SKS | 17 |
Semester 8
No | Kategori MK | Kode | Nama Mata Kuliah | Nama Mata Kuliah (Inggris) | SKS |
1 | MKWK | UBKXACB2 | Kewarganegaraan | Civils Education | 2 |
2 | MKWK | UBKXBCB2 | Pancasila | Pancasila | 2 |
3 | MKWP | BBK4BAB3 | Pelatihan dan Sertifikasi | Training and Certification | 3 |
4 | MKWP | BZK4BAA4 | Tugas Akhir | Final Project | 4 |
Total | 7 |
Mata Kuliah Peminatan
No | Kategori MK | Kode | Nama Mata Kuliah | Nama Mata Kuliah (English) | SKS | Semester |
1 | MKPP I | BBK3JBB3 | Arsitektur dan Pengembangan Backend | Backend Architecture and Development | 3 | 6 |
2 | MKPP II | BBK3KBB3 | Pengembangan UI Lanjut | Advanced UI Development | 3 | 6 |
3 | MKPP I | BBK3LBB3 | Penambangan Data Lanjut | Advanced Data Mining | 3 | 6 |
4 | MKPP II | BBK3MBB3 | Pengantar Deep Learning | Introduction to Deep Learning | 3 | 6 |
5 | MKPP I | BBK3NBB3 | Implementasi Arsitektur Enterprise | Implementation of Enterprise Architecture | 3 | 6 |
6 | MKPP II | BBK3OBB3 | Manajemen Layanan Teknologi Informasi | IT Service Management | 3 | 6 |
7 | MKPP I | BBK3PBB3 | Modifikasi Sistem Enterprise | Modification of Enterprise System | 3 | 6 |
8 | MKPP II | BBK3QBB3 | Penerapan Sistem Enterprise Terintegrasi | Implementation of Integrated Enterprise System | 3 | 6 |
9 | MKPP I | BBK3RBB3 | Forensika Komputer | Computer Forensics | 3 | 6 |
10 | MKPP II | BBK3SBB3 | Infrastruktur Awan | Cloud Infrastructure | 3 | 6 |
11 | MKPP III | BBK4CBB3 | Teknologi Terbaru Sistem Informasi | Emerging Technologies for Information Systems | 3 | 7 |
12 | MKPP IV | BBK4DBB3 | Pengembangan Aplikasi Bergerak | Mobile Application Development | 3 | 7 |
13 | MKPP V | BBK4EBB3 | Pengembangan Sistem Cerdas | Artificial Intelligence Development | 3 | 7 |
14 | MKPP III | BBK4FBB3 | Pemrosesan Bahasa Alami | Natural Language Processing | 3 | 7 |
15 | MKPP IV | BBK4GBB3 | Pengelolaan Big Data | Big Data Management | 3 | 7 |
16 | MKPP V | BBK4HBB3 | Visualisasi Data dan Informasi | Data and Information Visualization | 3 | 7 |
17 | MKPP III | BBK4IBB3 | Teknik Audit dan Kontrol Sistem Informasi | Audit Techniques and Information Systems Control | 3 | 7 |
18 | MKPP IV | BBK4JBB3 | Manajemen Risiko Teknologi Informasi | Information Technology Risk Management | 3 | 7 |
19 | MKPP V | BBK4KBB3 | Manajemen Keamanan Sistem Informasi | Information Security Management System | 3 | 7 |
20 | MKPP III | BBK4LBB3 | Adopsi Teknologi Informasi | Information Technology Adoption | 3 | 7 |
21 | MKPP IV | BBK4MBB3 | Transformasi Digital | Digital Transformation | 3 | 7 |
22 | MKPP V | BBK4NBB3 | Sistem Manajemen Hubungan Pelanggan | Customer Relationship Management System | 3 | 7 |
23 | MKPP III | BBK4OBB3 | Jaringan Komputer Enterprise | Enterprise Computer Network | 3 | 7 |
24 | MKPP IV | BBK4PBB3 | Manajemen Layanan Jaringan | Network Service Management | 3 | 7 |
25 | MKPP V | BBK4QBB3 | Jaringan Buatan Perangkat Lunak | Software Defined Network | 3 | 7 |